30 November 2012 Scientists have finally shown what has been postulated for decades: the planet Mercury holds billions of tonnes of water ice at its north pole. A report in Science shows evidence from the Messenger spacecraft that craters in constant shadow host water. A futher pair of Science papers shows that much of the […]

Source: NASA

November 19th, 2012 06:16 PM ET   Super-Jupiter spotted 170 light years away By Elizabeth Landau, CNN Scientists have discovered what could be a massive planet outside our solar system, NASA said Monday. Astronomers used infrared data from the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii to identify Kappa Andromedae b, a “super-Jupiter” object that appears to be […]

Source: BBC

By NED POTTER (@NedPotterABC) July 2, 2012 After decades of careful experiment, physicists say they have found the “strongest indication to date” to prove the existence of the Higgs boson — a subatomic particle so important to the understanding of space, time and matter that the physicist Leon Lederman nicknamed it “the God particle.” The […]

NASA’s Curiosity rover has lately been investigating the wind and radiation on Mars, providing data on some uniquely Martian weather phenomena. The probe’s main objectives on Mars are to scour the planet for signs of ancient habitability. “But we also have some pretty important goals of studying the modern environment,” said geophysicist Ashwin Vasavada, deputy […]

Very few documentary on Albert Einstein had ever made. This documentary was cited from PBS. This documentary reveled the faith of Einstein.

Best documentation on Big Bang Theory..